Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This has to be the most painful thing - ever

I've been toying with the idea of getting a tattoo for some time. Therefore, I've been really thinking about what I want to get. Tonight I stopped by a tat parlor and checked out their pictures/samples and got some ideas. When I got home to do some internet research, I came across the MOST DISTURBING thing ever -- Eyeball. Tattoos. Yes, on your friggin' eyeball. Um, no.

Now not only are your eyes probably watering, but you might be thinking the same thing I thought when I first saw this (other than who in their right mind would do this?) -- What is up w/ the bright ass smurf blue? Well, I found this article that has a slideshow link where you can see the finished product.

Did you look?

Yep, just a bright as blue eyeball. Not that creative. Not awesome. I mean if you're going to do this, might as well get something sweet - like an actual drawing of something on your eye. A big smurf eye is lame. And I'll be honest - I'm a little pissed at this guy. I mean, I winced when I saw the picture, but then, it wasn't even worth seeing. Thanks for nothing.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I need to be stopped

I was in the NBC store the other day w/ the fam, and I discovered that they have a Tim Riggins' #33 jersey. For a split second, I almost purchased it. Then, I realized that I was holding a fictional character's jersey, and if I did go through with the purchase, I'm pretty sure I would have reached an all new low. What is happening to me? Are the men in my real life so unappealing to me right now that I would rather wear the jersey of a hot dude on TV? Or am I so scared of commitment (again) that I am running away from real intimacy and focusing my crushing on a hot dude on TV? Or could it just be that I'm not that sad, and he really is such a ridiculously hot dude on TV that it's somewhat okay to contemplate the purchase? Please, please, please be the latter. . . because I still really want the jersey.