Sunday, November 18, 2007

Greatest Video of All Time

If I have more than one kid, and one can dance like this little boy, I will love it more than the rest! [Warning, you will have to watch this video over and over.]


Apparently, I'm exclamation point happy in my post titles. That's just sad. I really am 15. That or maybe it's my subconscious way of letting the world know I'm pretty happy right now? Shit, I"m happy right now? ha! There I go again.

But here I will give a shout out to Khang! Your surprise visit was great! And to my readers, there might be an AC post part II coming up in 2008! Exclamation point!

That's Right, I Did!

I passed the bar. So when I say this, it takes on a whole new meaning: "Fuck you bar exam!"

I want Dane Cook's babies!

Can I just say that tonight was the greatest night for me. Yes, I got to see Dane Cook in person. He is simply delicious! That smile, his voice, his mannerisms, his fake humping on stage--he has it all. He was hilarious as usual! I simply adore him. I will keep this post short b/c I really must get off to dreamland where Dane and I are riding in his CT2000, eating at the BK Lounge, stealing scrunchies at the Wall, and well, if you know why we are stealing the scrunchies, then you know what we'll be doing after that. ;)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Chongalicious! Hilarious!

I need your help--seriously!

If you have any good office prank ideas, please post them as a comment to me. It's now me (& H) v. Ari and Pete. I have to take them down. Get creative. Nothing too scandalous, dangerous, or anything that could get me fired/arrested. I prefer subtle but sly. And the hilarity factor should creep itself in there. Go get 'em kids--I know you can do it!

Harry Potter's Magic Wand

That's right folks--Harry Potter's play where he gets all naked with horses is coming to Broadway. I am so excited! The girls at work and I are stalking the ticket booth for when tickets go on sale for September. That may seem excessive, but not when you realize we are going to see his wee-wee. I should feel slightly filthy and perverted since he is like literally 18, but that's legal! And how many creepy ass men do you know who love to see girls who are 18 naked? And it's acceptable in society, so I'm saying no more double standard! I really really really want to post the full naked picture on here, but I just can't do it. So you'll have to settle for this!

Dear God--I'm going to be arrested for jumping on stage. But it's cool, I know that Niki will be right up there with me! ha!

Catch Up Time

Ok so I have a ton of posts to catch up on. So here goes nothing (no I don't plan to get them all done tonight!)

This was actually said to me the other night walking along the streets of Manhattan.

Me & Burke: "Lalalala, New York is so much fun!"
Random man: "Damn, I loves me some white girls."
Me & Burke: "Lalalala" said in a trying not to be afraid tone
Random man: "I'm a male prostitute. Whatchu want? I do everything. Boogers, snot, puke, piss, shit. I eat your asshole. You name it, I do it. Want me to eat your boogers?"
[Insert more from random man about his 13" penis and how all men have 13" penises. If yours does not, then you as a woman, simply don't know how to turn your man on.]
Me: "C'mon Burke, let's cross the street." Random man still following.
Burke: "Why? We don't need to go that way."
Me: [OMG Burke--seriously? We have to escape this man. Outrageous!]

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Day after Halloween in NYC is brutal!

I am so sleepy and was hungover all day. Bambi the blonde cheerleader partied hard in NYC last night. Halloween was fantastic! I would love to share more, but tonight, I must sleep.

Post 1 for Niki's challenge: done and done.