Sunday, July 22, 2007

Good Luck!

To all my readers taking the Bar Exam:

GOOD LUCK!!! You'll do great--just breathe, relax, and choose "C." (Although, I think "B" is the answer more often.)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bar Update

I was going to attempt to put into words the horrible despair and anguish I am experiencing right now, but I would never be able to articulate it for you. So for my friends out there in this bar studying misery with me, I have posted a few links to others' story and rantings about the bar. They are much funnier and articulate than I can be at this time. Perhaps you'll get my take on it all once I take this stupid thing.

Studying for Bar Exam

Crazy People in MBE Hypotheticals (not that hilarious--but so true!)

OMG-This guy is just too desperate even for me. I mean really? Would Mind Tek help you to analyze the law and apply it to fact problems? I'm not sure anything would help you in life, DG. I wonder how many different drugs this guy is on and how many bottles of gingko biloba he has swallowed. (Just kidding--does Mind Tek overnight?)

The BT's new uniform

Okay for the last one, this guy seems to be a current bar studier, and he felt the need to say that the bar so far isn't as bad as this:

"Food poisoning in Lençois, Brazil. The water went out in my hotel room, so I wasn't able to flush my diarrhea before I shoved my face in the toilet bowl to puke. And then I couldn't rinse the vomit taste out of my mouth."

On that note, I have to sign-off.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Hulk Dog

What the hell is this?

Thursday, July 12, 2007

My Type of Man

I found this interesting article that tells you about yourself based on the type of men in movies you develop crushes on. C'mon--it has to be totally accurate! ha! Anyways. . .here's what it had to say about me:

The Warrior: Bruce Willis in Live Free or Die Hard, Brad Pitt in Troy and Viggo Mortensen in Lord of the Rings

What you’re really looking for: A man who is powerful and aggressive. This guy knows what he wants, goes for it and always gets it. You love that he’s tough and nearly always emerges victorious when he engages in battle—be it on the court, the field, the battleground or in the workplace.

The Love Doctor weighs in: “You like the idea of a man taking control of the relationship; his power turns you to mush. In picking a guy like this, you don’t necessarily have to have control over what goes on in your relationship all the time. He’s got raw sexuality, and you do, too, so you’re a hot pair.”

Ok-so you know you are competetive when. . .

Let me know the type you are most attracted to! It's not a quiz--you just read the type, and choose the type you are most drawn too. There's some tough choices to make girls. Boys -- you can play too!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Boy Shakira

Ok, so the other day my friend Barry mentioned how studying for the bar gives you "violent" moodswings. Well--he was right! I go from content, to stressed, to happy, to suicidal, to crazy sad, back to happy in about 3 minutes and 17 seconds. Awesome! (And if you say it's b/c I'm a woman and that's just normal, I will stab you in the face.) Anyways . . . I was watching the Hoff on "America's Got Talent." Tonight they were choosing the final 20 contenders. And Boy Shakira was one of them. The whole point of telling you this is b/c you know your hormones and stress level are out of control when you practially shed tears w/ Boy Shakira for making it to the finals. REALLY?!?! This is my life right now. Really? Crying b/c "dreams can come true in America." Thank God, I only have less than 2 weeks of this left. And then I get to do it all over again in Jan/Feb when I fail b/c I was watching "America's Got Talent" instead of studying.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Jen's Vlog (Please Don't Let This Happen To Me!)

I heart Jen. (Tape really stops after 7 minutes.)

Saturday, July 7, 2007

It has come to this!

1. A and N are driving in State X. A is domiciled in X, but N is domiciled in State Y. A and N are on their way to a sketchy ass bar, where A and N both intend to drink alcohol, and offend other patrons with their dance moves. While in the car, A and N have the windows rolled all the way down. At a stoplight, located right next to Innocent Landowner's backyard, the excessive noise from A and N shouting the lyrics to "Shoop" interrupts a BBQ that Landowner is having with his future in-laws, who Landowner desperately needs to impress in order to gain their approval to marry their daughter. Hearing the awesomeness from the car, however, makes Landowner dance like a white man and lose their approval immediately. Landowner is pissed. Meanwhile, A and N drive off when the light turns green. And Wally Witness can testify to that specific act in a court of law, under oath, while on cross-examination. N begins to speed excessively, but has no intention or malice to do so.

What crimes and acts of negligence can A and N most likely be held accountable for?

A. Creating a nuisance for Landowner due their "Shooping" while driving, which is offset by Landowner's comparative negligence in having horrible dance moves, which may actually be the proximate cause of losing his woman.

B. Nothing because State X can show a compelling interest for their "Shooping" while driving, and their "Shooping" does not violate the Privileges and Immunities Clause under the 14th Amendment because that is ALWAYS the wrong answer.

C. Guilty of absolute reckless awesomeness due to their "Shooping" while driving, and guilty of conspiracy to sing that song loudly while in the car. Evidenced by the fact that before entering the vehicle, N turns to A and says, "We are listening to "Shoop." It's that kind of night baby!" To which, A neither announced her desire not to be involved and did nothing to stop N, and instead, overtly inserted that CD.

D. All of the above.

E. None of the above because Landowner does not exist and is completely made up. And since when did the bar have option E. Shit, I'm going to fail.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Baby Name Correction

The link should be working now. Thanks for the call klollyh!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Baby Names

Hey good news everyone--I'M PREGNANT!

Just kidding. If that were true, this post would be titled "Worst Day Ever" or nothing at all b/c I'd be passed out from the heart attack I had. Oh don't worry, someday I will bring pure excellence into this world and train him or her well! But for now, I thought I'd just share some hilarious ditties from a site I came across. The premise of the site is basically to make fun of names people call their children. I've clipped a few you, but if you want more, click the link at the bottom. Enjoy!
I m thinking of naming my baby Vashara Rashea.
That sounds ominously close to part of the chant to summon the demon Pazuzu!

What does everyone think of Atticus Charles? Girl's name, Aubriana Kai. Older sister is Cassandra Jane, deceased older brother was David Thomas.
I think he'd grow up to shoot a mad dog in the street in a moment revealing the barbarity of even the most civilized in society.
Aubriana would grow up to shoot lasers from her fingers and join the X-Men.
Either way, they're set for life what with their late brother's popular fast food chain.

I grew up with a "grown-up" name (Victoria) and a "kid" name (Tori), as did my sister. I have always liked having both we plan on naming our firstborn son Creighton.
At last! A breath of logic! When he's little, he can be called....Crate of Shit. Or One-Ton Creighton. Or Mr. Defies the I before E rule. And when he's older, you won't know what he's called, 'cause you won't be on speaking terms.

I think it's good to name your baby a name different from anyone else baby, because there is so many people who have the same name your baby have or it's very difficult. Also, it's hard to name your baby a different name, because when you think that no-one have that name there will be someone who have the same name your baby have when think you have named your baby different. so, you really can't have any name that's different from anyone unless it's something made up.
Judging from this entry, I think this person named their child, "Have."

My father-in-law has talked me into naming my new baby boy "Ovie Cecil [last name] IV." I really don't care for the name but I'm willing to name him that if I have a good nick-name. I need help!!
Don't worry. You never could have seen it coming when you married Ovie Cecil III.
He can always grow up to be an off-Broadway theater award!

Yes this is what I did while "grading" my MBE. Awesome! For more go here.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

I'm gullible. . .

This is an open apology to Niki for not realizing she was not the "Niki" who commented on my blog. That instead was oh, let's just call him what he makes all of us call him -- "the Warlock."

You won this battle Warlock, but the war is not over yet. ha!