Friday, September 28, 2007

SWF needs to wed ASAP!

I thought I was going to be so excited when I got my first paycheck--but oh no--I was not. Instead, I am being punished for being single with no kids. My taxes ass raped me. It's so sad. In fact, it is so drastic that Burke and I have decided to adopt a child together. Yep that's the plan. I'm getting a crib bunkbed for my room--it'll be all good. I just need the extra exemption. And I'll be sure to remind my new child that is just what s/he is. Best parent ever!

So that was my Friday. But today hasn't been all bad. My officemate thought she'd play a "prank" on me by posting a picture of NKOTB on my desk wall. That's no prank--that's a sweet sweet gift from above. I am so excited! The picture is of course staying. So professional!

Before work began, I actually had time to watch Bruce Springsteen perform on the Today Show. And in the audience some chick at 8:30 in the morning appeared to mouth the words "I'm drunk" to the camera. That of course made me love her. And then on the way home, I was so fortunate to see a man on the subway with the best white guy afro of all time. I proceeded to laugh hysterically, causing crowds to stare and hate me. I so love the city! Now I just have to start carrying my camera with me everywhere I go, so I can share these gems with you!

1 comment:

klollyh said...

Getting married doesn't help that much. You really need to have kids to get good tax breaks. Adoption gives extra tax breaks, I think.