Friday, May 25, 2007


So I got a phone call from my best friend yesterday. We were of course theorizing over Lost and what it all means - translated into me actually daydreaming over which Lost hunk I want to be stuck on an island with. Then she begins to tell me about the MOST HORRIFYING article she read at her doctor's office that day. Apparently she had read all the normal magazines, so out of boredom she began to read one of the parenting magazines. Well . . . it had an article on things that women who have never been pregnant don't actually know. Did you know that during birth if they cut you from the hoo-ha to the other hole lacking a cute name that it may NOT heal???? This is terrifying people. I will now never have children b/c of this. Who the hell wants one giant hole down there? A recgina if you will. As disturbing as this is, I'm just betting half of you still want to see a picture of this. Nastos - I can't believe I'm friends with you people.


klollyh said...

Things your mother never told you about having a baby. The correct term for Recgina is Rectovaginal fistula (an opening between the vagina and the rectum). It is a possible complication from an episiotomy (a snip done by health professional to the bottom of the vaginal opening to the anus to enlarge it for birth).

For a more detailed explanation see,,6znb,00.html

Red said...

Thank you for the technical terms, but I think the word "snip" is quite an understatement!