Sunday, August 19, 2007

I'm Back For Real This Time!

Holy crap--it's been like forever since I last posted. How have you lived? Obviously, I'm writing to myself - no one reads this but me. Awesome! Anyways, I'm debating on whether to do a Cancun edition for the blog, so if you want one, let me know. Scandalous!

Anyways, it's nice to be back in the States. Although it won't be for long b/c I have decided I need to relocate to Mexico. I have finally realized that I love tiny Mexican men, and they love me. Sweet sweet memories! ha!

But to have internet back--holy crap--I have missed out on some serious celeb gossip. Like I didn't know that Paris Hilton is dating that Entourage guy. And even more importantly, I didn't know that I could care less about that. The most entertaining piece of "celeb gossip" I found was a pic of Cindy Crawford's son. That boy is the prettiest girl I have ever seen. I mean seriously--he's wearing pink lipstick for crying out loud. I want to be as pretty as him. It's unreal. His little sister, the little less prettier one, has to hate him. I can't stop staring at this kid. It's so creepy.

For more pics of this "boy" - go here.

Alright, I'm out for now, but promise to be back very soon!


Niki said...

is it too late to request cancun blogs???

Niki said...

oh, and for real, does he seriously have a mole on his cheek like his mom (except other side)? seriously?