Monday, August 6, 2007

I'm Back!

I sat down tonight to write an all inspired catch up blog b/c it's been so long since I've posted. Like I thought to myself that I could write all about the bar, but all I really want to say about the bar is this - "You suck." That about sums up the whole experience. So given my feelings, that would be the lamest post ever. Then I thought about writing about what I've learned here the past 3 years, and well, bitches--I know it all, and always have, so not much to write there. ;)

Alas, I have decided to make my 1st post in a long time about this. (And yes, I know I posted a drunken post the other night about stupid 22 year olds, but I've deleted that, so it doesn't count. Hey--it's my damn blog, if you don't like that, get your own.) So inspired by Niki's blog, I thought I'd post a few random pictures of my new favorite cutie!

His name is Bryan Greenberg, and you must see him in the movie "Prime." It's a really cute movie actually, and he's super hot. And he also stars in "October Road." Which I really want you to watch on ABC b/c that's my show w/ Niki and we need it stay on the air. So watch it.
Ok--so this is a bad post too, but dammit, good eye candy. (KLollyH--I know you will disagree w/ me on that one! ha!)

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