Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Disappointing New TV

I love it when the new shows come out and old shows start new seasons. But particularly dealing w/ the new shows -- I am always hoping that something great will start that I can become addicted to. And then in its 8th season, I can say that I'm a psycho fan who has seen every episode since it started. I miss you Dawson's. Anyways . . . I was hoping that would happen this season w/ The Bionic Woman and Chuck. But alas it hasn't.

The Bionic Woman

So most of you know how I love Buffy - and I was so hoping this would be a kick-ass girl show. But it's just not. There are moments where you could love her. And the Bionic Woman character is good, but something is just missing. And it's this--they don't have any coherent story line. It's too jumpy and there are no connections for the viewer. Like for instance -- SPOILER ALERT IF YOU DIDN'T WATCH TONIGHT'S SHOW --who the hell were the guys who killed an entire town? Why did the one girl live? Is the little sister psycho - b/c one minute she hates the sis, and the next they are hugging? Lame.

And oh let's not forget how the kill the cutie in the 1st episode. Then the other hot guy in the show had sex apparently but they totally cut that scene from tonight's episode. Lamer.

You get one more week out of me Bionic Woman.


Chuck the character is adorable. He's cute and very likeable, but again the show is just lacking something. And again it's a good story. This too has too many holes. And there are so many opportunities for more comedy, but the writers just don't pull thru. There were 2 - count them 2 - funny parts in the entire episode this week. Thankfully for these crappy writers, it only takes one funny moment to make me laugh the entire night -- if not, then I'd hate this show. But dammit -- those 2 funny moments will pull me back in one more week.

Back to the show - anyways - I hate the sister. She's too "my life is perfect" for me. And ditch the bangs -- bad bad bad. I hate the friend Morgan even more. He couldn't be unfunnier if he tried. I hope they kill him in the next episode. And please please writers - develop a story. And try to make this show funny - I need it.

Too bad, I'm quite sure it'll be canceled soon. But I do think it's better than Bionic.


Niki said...

remember when we would ditch law school parties to stay in on thursday nights and watch the office and october road? then we'd decide after october road to go get drunk anyway.

sigh. those were the good ole days. (oh, and also staying up until 3:30 am watching pacey and joey dance)

klollyh said...

Okay, I totally agree that Bionic Woman sucks. I quit watching after the first episode. I like Chuck and hope that it gets better. It has the potential to be's hoping. I love Pushing Daisies, well the first episode anyway. It's really good, you should check it out. Wednesday 8:00 ABC. Reaper is a new Buffy-esque show on the CW Tuesdays at 9, I think. It's about a guy who is a bounty hunter for the Devil. It's been funny. Not great but better than most new shows and I think you might enjoy it, too.

P.S. I can't believe that you watched Pacey and Joey with someone else. I feel so cheap.