Monday, July 9, 2007

Smelly T-Rex


Niki said...

i'm sorry, why were you up at 5:51am and reading t-rex cartoons? hey wait, i was up at 3:45am taking a bath and reading HP...i suppose i have no room to talk.

Red said...

For the record I wasn't up then. . . I try to change the time on my posts to be accurate, but it always reverts to whatever dumbass time it wants to. But I am someone who be up that early reading these things. Lame.

klollyh said...

This is the funniest t-rex. I have actually been around people that smell bad enough to "there is no God." And those people are my 93ish grandmother - with a colostomy bag that is constantly full because she eats nonstop even though she's so fat that she can't move - and my physically fine but crazy-as-bat-shit 87 year-old grandfather who is fully capable of using the toilet when he needs to poop but for some unknown reason doesn't. By the way, these two are my mom's mom and my dad's dad so you see what I have to look forward to.