Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Wow--I can't believe it's 2008. I am so glad, but have no real reason why. I guess I just buy into that whole "it's a new year, a new beginning" philosophy, when really it's just another day. Wahwah.

Either way--I'm trying to decide on what my resolution will be this year. First and foremost, my resolution is to stick to my resolution(s). Yes I do think there will be more than one--there has to by definition of my first. Or as TF would say "it's axiomatic." So here's a list of my potential and maybe permanent resolutions:

1. Stick to these bitches.
2. Choose a new resolution each month and just do it month-by-month.
3. January - don't drink alcohol this month. Why not? Sounds like a thing to do.
4. February - Stop Jan's resolution b/c well, the girls are coming.
5. February - Go to church - I need this one I'm pretty sure. I just need to find a good one.
6. January - DO MY BAR APPLICATION- my firm is going to fire me.

That's about it. Nothing exciting here. So please let me know your exciting resolutions or give me some ideas!

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