Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 10: Live Updates

6:29 pm
John Lennon totally redeemed himself today by bringing various bottles of Hungarian white wine for us all to taste. Ok so not totally redeemed, but a little.

2:36 pm
Wow, could this office be anymore boring. Here's a funny email from B that I got:

Did you know that the currency in Vietnam is called the dong? I did not and was reading an article about it in the Economist on the bus today and laughed out loud when some finance dude was talking about the strong dong...I am 12.

"Strong dong" - [REDACTED]

10:39 am
This one is for you H - but the Stache is sitting across from me today. He routinely does the ridiculously loud breath blow out thing. Except his breath actually has a stale scent to it. Gross.

10:40 am
Oh yeah, I'm back at my desk. Weird thing is, I feel bad about it. Even though, I have sat at this desk for the past week or so, and everyone else has their own station. Why did he choose me? I think it's b/c he has a crush on the woman who normally sits across from me. I would love to see the Stache flirt.

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