Friday, March 7, 2008

Day 6: TGIF

Today is Friday, and I'm about to go all ape shit up in this joint. That's my new stupid phrase for party. But for now, it's only 10 am, and I'm hoping to have some exciting live updates later on. But right now--you can hear all about my night out on the town in Pest.

After dinner, Terron (no clue how to spell name at all) went out. We hit up some place called "Old Man's Pub." It was hot. There were a ton of Euro dudes with MULLETS and yes, even a fanny pack. And yes, he was Hungarian through and through. It was hysterical. I felt like I was at the Euro trash party all over again. Das Klub!

Anyways, some greaseball was in love with me. We danced. Wait back up, he tried to become a 2nd skin to me. It was insane. Then Terron just runs off laughing. I could have killed him. All in all, though it was a good time. Good beer, and I got hit on my a crap ton of sketchy guys, and two girls. Out of control!

The best part--here's a drunk email to Karas:
"I'm being molested bt european men with molested."

I'm awesome.

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