Monday, April 28, 2008

What the hell is J.Crew trying to do?

Do you see that montrosity? Yes, that is a tight roll. I just pulled this picture from J.Crew's website. Not only is this how they wish to advertise those jeans, but are they honestly trying to bring back the tight roll?

I remember my first tight roll. It was the 6th grade, and I was one of the first to do it in my school. Call me a trend-setter if you must. BUT IT MUST NOT COME BACK. Gag me with a spoon, J.Crew -- As if! [Feel free to insert your own early 90s sayings. I tried to work in "Not" into this post as well, but failed. I'm a Loser (capital L over my forehead)-Zing!]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I was just looking over the fall "collection" and wondering how exactly J.Crew could possibly believe that yellow pants, a turqoise shirt, and a green jacket could look good together. J.Crew has been killing me for years! Their stylists/designers must be stopped or we'll all be laughing stocks! Maybe I just romanticize their "preppy chic" look from a decade ago, but I feel like their design/stylist staff is colorblind.