Friday, May 2, 2008

Things I miss about America, Series 2

Brent had a good one today --

Water in the toiletbowl - For reals, yo! They have like 1/3 cup sitting in there, and well, it's gross. Leave it to a boy to point this one out!

Here's some more:

Ice - dear god, I miss a cold beverage. When we get ice, it's like a god, and we sit in silence to enjoy it. And by the way, since when did I use the word "beverage?" What am I, 83?

English-speaking TV programs - Enough said.

Sandwiches - finding a simple sandwich shop here is like looking for the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Ooh, let's add "quick" sandwich shop to that, as well.

I really miss America for food reasons apparently. Wow.

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