Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I just read this article about cracking down on murderabilia, which refers to items connected to gruesome crimes. Here's a fun clip from the article:

" Murderabilia ranges from the mildly curious to the downright vile. At the tamer end of the spectrum, for instance, there's artwork by killers like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer. More unsettling are things like murderers' fingernail clippings or foot scrapings. Daisyseven.com claims to have fashion magazine pages that Wayne Lo has allegedly defiled by drawing vampire teeth and bloodstains on the models' photos. The pages supposedly even have Lo's sperm on them."

Maybe we should work on laws that do something about the sick freaks who want to buy that stuff, instead of merely taking that stuff off the market. FOOT SCRAPINGS-seriously?!?!

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