Saturday, June 9, 2007

Um, Can I Buy a Vowel?

Alcohol is my best friend. It helps to make things funnier. It helps me forget most of the embarrassing things I do. It makes most boys here seem much cuter and interesting than they really are. It brings friends together and encourages you to tell all your deep dark secrets to one another. It can do many things, but one thing it cannot do - erase your stupidity and drunkiness from your cell phone. Allow me to demonstrate:

Last night was Cathleen's bachelorette party. It was a lot of fun - filled with lots of alcohol to make it even better! We bar hopped. We drank. My breasts were compared to the Alps. We drank some more. I told the cab driver my creepy cab driver story by talking very slowly in a scary whisper to everyone in the car. We then became creepy ourselves and headed to Coupe's. We drank even more. And then -I met a boy. We laughed, talked, and exchanged numbers. I wish I could tell you this boy's name, but I can't. But I can tell you how I programmed his name into my phone last night after having way too much alcohol . . .


HI-larious! I'm so fucking awesome. What was I possibly thinking at the time I input that combination of letters, or more accurately consonants. Lucky for me though, my best friend alcohol erased that thought pattern for me!

Good news though boys and girls. . .we are meeting up this week. Now I just have to let him know that I have no idea what his name is. Ah, I really do love alcohol!


klollyh said...

I hope your date with Apmdmd goes well. His name sounds as if it's of Arab origins.

klollyh said...

P.S. Enjoy the wedding! Open bar, right?