Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Return of T

That's right--I saw T once again. It was glorious!

Niki, Rich, Clay and I were at 216 again--I know it's embarrassing. Anyways. I look up and it's T. And he remembers us!!! That's not all he remembered.

He started doing his creepy T "I'm coming to lay one on you" routine, and I was fighting it profusely. He lands one on my cheek, ick, and then moves in for the lips. I quickly turn my head, and he says, and I'm quoting b/c it is so excellent:

"I wasn't going to kiss you on the lips. Don'cha remember, we're brotha and sista?"

YES I REMEMBER T! It was so excellent. I cannot believe how awesome that is.

Clay and I were fortunately able to escape T after that and we headed out. Poor Niki though--she got a lot more of T. If she gives me permission to - I'll fill you in. Until now, T's absoludicrousness will just have to wait. . .


Niki said...

Um, yeah. So T comes up to Rich and I and is all, "Aww, you guys are so cute! How are you?" And we're laughing and talking to him...before I know it T has slipped his hand in and out of my dress like a ninja! He did it before either Rich or I knew what the hell was going on - smooth move T - do it again and I'm going to kick you in the nuts.

Red said...

That would stop T from "busting a nut" in a girl in the future. Wise move girl.

Niki said...

I don't even remember this happening! How can I forget being sexually assaulted by T??